We started our presentation in the morning in time, though not everybody had arrived at this point. We wanted to already have something to set people in the right mood straight away when they arrived in the class, so we decided to borrow an old radio from the school lobby and had some old recordings playing in the background while people took their seats and made themselves comfortable. Like most of the other groups, we also had a short video intro made by Sindy and Iina right in the beginning of the presentation.
After the video Liz took the lead and showed her Radio History timeline, while explaining the developement of radio, and how it was used back in the day. We also had some old short clips of radio programs. The prezi timeline ended up in brining up the ways radio is used today. Here Riikka continued talking about today's radio broadcasting types and how public and commercial radio differ from each other - and what's their purpose as a medium. There were also short explanaitoins of internet radio and pirate radios.
Afer this Dylan divided people in to three groups to discuss about the benefits of radio compared to other mediaforms, like the internet, print and television. Groups came up with really good opinions and thoughts about this particular subject. Also some good questions were raised about the definitions and future of these mediums. We looked at some statistics in the end and Dylan summarized this subject nicely, even though we were already running late with our schedule and he had to hurry a bit.
Continuing with the same theme Iina and Sindy showed us the video of YLE interview, where they actually went to the radio station and did a really nice interview with this radio broadcaster. She had really interesting views and information on radio in general, and it's way of adapting to changes.
Everybody could take a quick break before we continued our presentation. Next it was Alberto's turn to tell everybody about recorded music history. He concentrated on the cultural side aswell as the techincal side of recorded music, and also had to make his part very fasy, since time was running out. Alberto also made some questions for the audience about the future. Caro continued with the recorded music theme, but added a different point of view to the history by explaining what the different recording eras were and how the actual recording was done. She showed as small clips of all this eras, where you could see the devices and ways.
In the end Riikka had a short presentation to tell people about the copyrights of recorded music. After this came time for the piracy-talk, which lead to a big discussion and seemed to interest a lot of people. We felt like it would've been great to continue this discussion for a long time, because people had such strong opinions and different points-of-views, but sadly the time was running out and Cai was already showing us threatning signs, so we had to end it there. Dylan added a small summary to the end.
Feedback: We got some good feedback from the feedback team and other students. Overall the presentation seemed to have gone well and we got some nice comments. Also there's always something to improve in, like eyecontact or less information on slides. They were good points, and we all agreed to this. Some thought we should've had less of the historical side of the subject and concentrate more on today's media. Some found the history-parts necessary, so the opinions differed a bit. Cai pointed out that we had missed one important part, called DXing. Somehow we had manage to miss this completely. Still, all in all the whole presentation seemed to have gone well!
ReplyDeleteThere is my comment. Sorry, it did not fit here. :D
So sorry - I expressed myself in a stupid way; DXing was not something that you necessarily should have covered, but something that an elder gentleman like me had to add to show there has been private global communication before the Internet.
ReplyDeleteI will add some notes on your show later.
Hey I enjoyed this session as well. The interview really shed some light on how a typical radio broadcast goes, and hearing how passionate she was about her job was inspiring. Even if you don't want to make a living in radio, that type of perseverance is always admirable.
ReplyDeleteI also really enjoyed the debate at the end, it's a pity that there wasn't enough time to elaborate. I'd like to add that although I believe that the internet has given a lot of people the opportunity to find a public and bypass the companies (the record companies in this case), I don't think that record companies should be eliminated from the equation. Instead, I believe with crowd funding- and the possibility of bypassing them- makes the companies realize that there needs to be more variety and attention to different genres that they think won't sell- but in the end do. Also more respect to the artists under them ( a bigger cut of the profits), especially learn that there's nothing wrong with putting bigger samples of the albums out there since people want to know what they are buying. But most importantly make the material available at an affordable price and in a convenient way (so get rid of DRM and such). If they adapt to the new times I am sure they can survive.
I'm one of the feedback group, and surely I think it's really good idea to concentrate on today's figure and such discussion part. It's bit dissapointed that I couldn't get quite information of this subject cause anyone of you didn't type your summary before your presentation, but anyway, it was nice and you guys did a pretty good job. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteCan I say it again? Big applause for the well done YLE interview. It's the part which woke me up and realised how much effort has been put into this presentation, and I started getting really serious and paid attention to the rest of presentation. I would like to express my high appreciation to all of you who worked on the presentation especially the interview part, music piracy and record label dilemma. Thanks.