Sunday, September 9, 2012

Guidelines for professor and evaluator teams, also students

Please read carefully and energize:

Professor teams:
Your team has 90 minutes time to give your presentation.

  • The time frame is 9:30 to 12:15. We always start punctually. Cai has the first 5 minutes, you begin 9:35.
  • If you give the students a 15 minutes break, your show should be closed 11:20.
  • The team evaluating your presentation has 10 minutes for discussion between themselves (other have a break), the evaluation starts 11:30.
  • The feedback team has 15 minutes, then there is a general discussion on the topic.

IMPORTANT: You should publish everything on the Wednesday before your presentation. If you need Thursday to prepare, you publish what you already have, but everything has to be online latest on the presentation day. (Of course you can edit and improve your materials later.) But the team evaluating your class has to have the possibility to review and discuss your work on the Thursday before.

Prepare the presentation carefully: 90 minutes can be long time when your are following a presentation, but time flies when you are on the stage. (If five students are presenting, the last two might have only some minutes to use if your time management doesn't work)

  • The presentation should cover (maybe not applicable for the Designs of Media session) some history, technological and content issues, also some legislative and ethical aspects and wrap up with a look at the future
  • Try to avoid a U.S. centric approach
  • Involve the students. You know how boring the classes are, where the professors read the slides they are speaking to. Experiment with student and learning focused methods
  • There's a lot of useful video clips online you are welcome to use. But this is your show, so use external resources with forethought

How to publish your presentation
You will post a summary of your presentation as a blog post (like this) on the home page of our course blog. The actual presentation with all links you post on your own page of this blog.
If you rather publish your show entirely on some other service (like or a Google Docs presentation) you attach the link on your page.

Evaluation teams:
The first presentation is evaluated by the last team, the second by the first team, the evaluator of the third presentation is the second team etc.

Your tasks evaluating the presentation are:

  • to acquaint yourself with the topic.
  • go trough and discuss with the team the materials produced by the professors. Don't forget the source criticism.
  • highlight the three best qualities of the presentation.
  • make suggestions for the professors to consider when preparing the next gig.
  • After the presentation you have 10 minutes for discussing the performance - how did they succeed as educators? Did they give an inspiring learning experience?

You have 15 minutes time to give oral feedback to the professors. You will also prepare a more or less one page (30 lines, 60 characters per line) written feedback on a Google Docs wiki document. Share the document with me from the beginning. After the session post a copy the feedback document on the course blog home page.

All students:

  • familiarise yourself with the topic during the week before the presentation
  • do what ever the professors ask you to do during the show
  • participate in the discussion after the presentation and the feedback
  • give general comments after the summary on the blog home page and detailed comments and questions on the blog page of the presentation 
Are these instructions useful? Do you want to work like this? You are welcome to comment this post. There is still time to improve the rules and guidelines.


  1. Hi Cai, can we change the order of evaluation team? Can we change to this order instead: Group 1 is evaluated by Group 7, and Group 1 will evaluate Group 2 the following week, Group 2 evaluate Group 3, Group 3 evaluate Group 4, Group 4 evaluate Group 5 and so on? In this way, Evaluation is from the group that has already done the work.

    1. It is ok with me. But the order was set by the students. Maybe we start the Friday session with a vote on this.

    2. Cool. I will contact Group 7 in advance if they are okay with this. Thanks

  2. So I am ready for giving feedback tomorrow, right?

    But I don't understand the Google Document part.
    Are we supposed to write that one DURING the lessons or beforehand using the materials posted online? I mean it is pretty clear the material has to be read and compared to the actual lesson, but how did this work the last time?

  3. Oh, Google document is just my suggestion for platform. If you write as a team it is much better to work on a wiki document where you can write simultaneously and use the chat.
    But if the team finds a better way to produce the feedback document it is ok.
    The final feedback should be posted on the blog asap, no later than next Thursday.
